1. 台灣紅絲帶基金會受到我國駐墨西哥外館的大力幫忙,特別是陳代表新東的協助,台灣有您們真好。
2. Taipei Times記者應該去找外交部中南美司查證,而不是外交部NGO委員會。
3. AIDS foundation pans ministry over name scandal這個標題下的很聳動,BUT太超過。
4. 台灣在參與國際組織一直被打壓是公開的事實,且一直不能有突破性的進展,外交部應正視且積極處理,有具體成績國人自然會知道。
AIDS foundation pans ministry over name scandal
Wednesday, Aug 13, 2008, Page 1
By Jenny W. Hsu Staff Reporter The Taiwan AIDS Foundation yesterday panned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (MOFA) slow response after the organizers of the 2008 International AIDS Conference, held in Mexico last week, labeled Taiwan as a “province of China.”
MOFA rejected the accusation, saying that the Taiwanese representative to Mexico protested to the organizers on the first day of the meeting and was successful in getting them to remove “province of China” from the roster for the remainder of the meeting. (說明:province of China這一句是基金會與會人員自己劃掉的!)
In an interview with the Taipei Times yesterday, Taiwan’s AIDS Foundation specialist Bevis Tseng said they informed MOFA immediately after they learned of the incorrect name, “but MOFA did not bother to contact us until the night the delegation was on its way to the airport heading to Mexico.”
“We contacted the Department of Central and South American Affairs as soon as we found out about the name issue, but MOFA did not do anything for a few days and when they did call, they complained that we didn’t notify them in a timely fashion,” he said.
Tseng said the foundation also contacted the organizers to change the name but their efforts were ignored.
MOFA, however, argued that it was the foundation that neglected to notify the ministry on time.
“MOFA was not informed of the issue right away. But as soon as we heard about the problem, our colleagues protested to the organizers and the host country demanding the error be corrected immediately,” said David Wu (吳建國), deputy head of the Department of NGO Affairs, saying that one of the ministry’s foremost tasks is to safeguard Taiwan’s national dignity.
Diego Chou (周麟), deputy head of the Department of Central and South American Affairs’ said Taiwan’s representative to Mexico Chen Hsin-tung (陳新東) accompanied the foundation president in lodging a protest to the organizers on the first day of the meeting.
Chou said the organizers agreed to make a change by erasing “province” from the country’s title.
Tseng said that though neither the organizers nor the host country apologized for the mishap or agreed to change the name, the Taiwanese flag was displayed and distributed at the conference without any trouble.
The foundation’s booth at the “Asia Zone” of the Global Village exhibit was also very well received, he said.
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台灣紅絲帶基金會於ASIA ZONE的場地。
4.18 我們的第一個寶寶出生了!!
Bevis & Sunny‧iNLove
- Sep 02 Tue 2008 10:54
[為台灣打拼] Taipei Times之我上報了!