4.18 我們的第一個寶寶出生了!!
Bevis & Sunny‧iNLove

目前分類:╠訂婚‧準備 (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Save the date | 婚禮預告與邀請_訂婚版


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A save the date notice is an item stating the date of a wedding or other formal event. It typically states the date when a couple plans to marry, so that recipients will know to keep that date free. Save the dates usually take the form of a card, but can also be a refrigerator magnet or similar item. They are generally sent out at least six to twelve months before the wedding date, and are usually followed by a formal wedding invitation.

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相信大部份新人只會辦一次婚禮 (每個人都希望盡善盡美 不要有缺陷)


因此辦一場婚禮 要談的 要簽約的 大概是人生中最多 最密集的時候

婚紗要簽約 婚攝要簽約 新秘要簽約 宴會要簽約 喜餅要簽約 等等


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